Fan Coils

Environmentally-friendly air conditioning of buildings for today and tomorrow. We have the right solution for every project.



Fan coils, recirculating air. Heating, cooling and filtering for maximum comfort.
KaCool D AF

KaCool D AF

Comfortable feeling of well-being, thanks to AtmosFeel.


Ceiling unit for heating, cooling, ventilation in large, high-end interiors.


The world's most versatile ceiling unit
Ultra Allround

Ultra Allround

Ceiling unit for heating, cooling, ventilation in large, high-end interiors.


Versatile air conditioning for existing and new-build offices.
PowerKon LT

PowerKon LT

Heat pump-based heaters for the efficient heating and cooling of existing and new buildings.
Venkon XL

Venkon XL

Fan coils, recirculating air. Heating, cooling, for raised external pressure.
KaCool W

KaCool W

design wall-mounted unit for heating and cooling
Venkon DX

Venkon DX

ceiling-mounted unit for heating or cooling with the natural refrigerant CO2
KaCool D HY

KaCool D HY

Ceiling cassette for heating, cooling and filtering. Hygiene-certified according to VDI 6022.
KaCool D HC

KaCool D HC

ceiling cassette for heating, cooling and filtering, DIN 1946-4-certified, designed for healthcare facilities