Technology and Knowledge

Hall heating with unit heaters and heat pumps
Whether industrial, warehouse or commercial halls - Heating systems based on heat pumps are now standard in new buildings. They are also the product of choice in refurbishment work. A combination of unit heaters and heat pumps provides for efficient monovalent and bivalent heat supply.

Three building blocks for the best hall climate concept
Are you designing the energy-efficient renovation of an existing hall or the building services for a new building? We can assist with this, delivering a so...
Amendment of the 2023/2024 F-gas Regulation
The new version of the F-gas Regulation, also known as Regulation (EU) No. 2024/573 on fluorinated greenhouse gases, came into force on 11 March 2024. In January 2024, the new version was adopted by the EU Parliament and approved by the EU Council. Negotiations were held in a trialogue with representatives from the EU Commission, the EU Parliament, and the EU Council.

Door air curtains: save money quickly with a comfortable indoor climate
Who’s not experienced the flow of warm air coming from above open doors or doorways? Door air curtains are being used there. It is inevitable that doorways are frequently opened and closed, or even remain open for longer, particularly in the industrial sector. Door air curtains are the units of choice in these cases to efficiently protect doorways during the winter months from the ingress of cold air, and retain the valuable heat indoors.

New refrigerant regulation to limit climate change
Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases has been in place since 01 January 2015 and repeals Regulation (EU) No. 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases.

How does fresh air enter a room?
We have all become aware of how important fresh air is, at the very latest since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. There is now greater awareness of the need for regular ventilation and all sectors are now paying attention to it. We now know that the supply of fresh air into a room dilutes the concentration of pathogens and significantly reduces the risk of infection by viruses.
However, another important factor is the reduction of the concentration of CO2 in the room air and thus the air we breathe. Too high a CO2 content in the air causes fatigue and reduces a person’s ability to concentrate.

Heaters for heat pumps: a comparison
It’s a double dilemma that really doesn’t need to be one: homeowners feel overwhelmed when faced with the decision about the best future-proof heating system. And tradespeople lack the political planning security to be able to provide their customers with the best advice.

Sustainable hotel climate with heat pumps
The building sector is to reduce its emissions by 6 % annually. 3 % was saved in 2021, 5.3 % was saved in 2022 (six million tonnes of CO2 on now 112 million tonnes of CO2). As of 2024, a newly installed plant will generally be operated with at least 65% renewable energy.

New Ultra Allround design unit for open ceilings
Kampmann has developed a real all-rounder, both technically and visually, in order to take into account increased design demands: our new design Ultra Allround ceiling unit.

PowerKon LT heat pump-based heaters
Heating and cooling with heat pumps in existing and new buildings - The PowerKon LT is ideally suited for switching from oil or gas heating to a heat pump in new buildings and existing houses. Depending on the pipe network and individual comfort requirements, you can even benefit from a cooling function.

Heating and air conditioning units for heat pumps
We have appropriate heat pump solutions for many applications, from industrial sheds, office buildings, hotels to private homes.

The carbon footprint of our products
As a key industry for the energy transition and thus with massive responsibility towards future generations, building services possess a major lever for the sustainable development of the building sector. Taking this into account, building services design experts wish to use products that conserve resources and save CO2.

Gas-free: heat pumps for existing and new industrial sheds
Save costs at the same time lower CO2 emissions compared to gas-fired systems by combining unit heaters with heat pumps to heat large spaces, industrial sheds and retail spaces.

Air flow laboratory: Realistically simulating designs
Standard-compliant measurements according to DIN EN 442 and DIN EN 16430 are performed in the Kampmann Research & Development Centre (FEC) air flow laboratory. The measurements include regular standard-compliant measurements as well as the set-up of project-based (room) situations to meet customer-specific requirements.

Reliable output data at every design point
The performance measurements of trench convectors are regulated with standard system temperatures in the standard EN 16430. The measurements need to be taken under real-life conditions and are intended to permit comparisons between different manufacturers at the design stage.

Industrial heating simulation: low water temperature with heat pumps
How should you heat a hall or shed properly? What aspects need to be taken into account to provide low water temperature-based air conditioning with heat pumps, at the same time avoiding the risk of draughts? We clarify these and other questions using a calculation example and simulations.

Unit heaters with KaMAX diffuser
A perfect combination for effectively dispersing accumulated heat and saving energy

Unit heaters as an energy-saving low-temperature system
Use our handy hints, ideas and recommendations to reduce energy costs and the carbon footprint of the system to reach your customers' climate targets.

End-to-end product optimisation
The new KaDeck fan coil is lighter and quieter with a longer service life

New decentralised ventilation unit WZA
There is a massive need to fit adequate ventilation in classrooms and provide good indoor air conditions. However, this need can only be met by systems designed to be retrofitted into existing schools.

Ventilating school classrooms during the pandemic
Sensible air guidance and heat recovery systems for school classrooms under pandemic conditions

The right unit heater for every space
Kampmann is the only manufacturer on the market to offer unit heaters with outputs ranging from 6.5 to 89 kW, thereby guaranteeing the right unit for every space. You can rely on that!

Comfort – a perceived or measurable goal?
“I feel comfortable in this room.” You simply couldn't give building services designers a bigger compliment. But a whole raft of factors need to be taken into account to ensure (thermal) comfort.

Cooling is finally easy with cold water
The installation of chillers/heat pumps is considerably simplified by the use of the hydraulic box. Heating engineers can save themselves valuable design and installation time and the range of cooling solutions they can offer is finally extended with additional attractive products.

Venkon fan coils now available with HEPA filter
Grade H14 HEPA filters can now be retrofitted, on request, to enable Venkon fan coils (indoor recirculating air units) to help reduce the viral load in room air.

Katherm trench system variants
Kampmann supplies a wide range of Katherm trench systems, which have already been installed in innumerable projects.

TOP C – cool added value in summer
The requirements are increasing to introduce cool air into high-ceilinged buildings and halls, as well as installing a warm air solution. The TOP C is the product of choice for this.

Questions about the air conditioning of buildings and the coronavirus
We have summarised answers to the most pressing questions relating to air conditioning and ventilation.

Using water as a cooling medium
Air conditioning systems available on the market can essentially be divided into two groups DX or direct evaporation systems and Chilled water systems.

Time for cooling - The opportunity for HVAC tradespeople
The air conditioning market has been growing at a rapid pace for some years now. A major sector of the market is dominated by direct evaporation systems, such as split air conditioning units or VRV/VRF systems.

ErP: Consequences for ventilation systems
It will mean important requirements for ventilation systems from 1 January 2016 that will be further extended from 2018.

Different countries – same technology
How Kampmann products are used in very different climatic conditions

Induction units vs. fan coils
Due to the low noise emission, both systems are frequently chosen solutions for decentralised hotel air conditioning, but they both reveal in themselves advantages and disadvantages.

Tropics, please!
A cosy atmosphere at 34 degrees – controlling large amounts of air cleverly. Euskirchen. A town with as many as 57,000 inhabitants. But without wanting to offend the town – if you don’t actually come from the Rhineland area, you do have to take a look to see where Euskirchen actually is.

Digitalisation of the air
Control and automation engineering is becoming increasingly important in the era of digitalisation. Kampmann keep pace with the times. Air moves. Or it doesn’t. And electricity? 1 = the current is flowing. 0 = the current is not flowing.

Two letters for even more comfort: AF
Ceiling cassettes are a classic for air conditioning office buildings, hotels, exhibition and sales rooms. And Kampmann’s KaCool D has counted among the leading products in this category for a long time now.

A small word with a big meaning: NANO!
The classic Katherm QK is now supplemented by Katherm QK nano. The incentive for nano came from London: here, as in many export markets, the floor construction height varies between 400 millimetres in commercial buildings and merely 100 millimetres in residential buildings.

New standards for trench systems
Valid as of March 2015: EN 16430 governs the measurement of performance on fan-supported trench heating systems and thus establishes at long last a comparability of these units. Even the cooling capacity can be measured.