Fan Coils
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KaCool W

design wall-mounted unit for heating and cooling


Heat Pump Ready

This product is suitable for use with a heat pump or other low temperature system. Reduce your energy requirements, operating costs and emissions with our Heat Pump ready range of products. And make you and your customers less dependent on fossil fuels.

We have appropriate heat pump solutions for many applications, from industrial sheds, office buildings, hotels to private homes.

→ Discover more
KaCool W

Product Selection


Autohaus Jansen Car Dealership, Lingen (Ems)

Autohaus Jansen Car Dealership, Lingen (Ems)

Hotel Ross, Meissen

Hotel Ross, Meissen

Primulator, Łódź

Primulator, Łódź

Revo Munich, Munich

Revo Munich, Munich

JUFA Hotel Hamburg HafenCity, Hamburg

JUFA Hotel Hamburg HafenCity, Hamburg



Certificate ISO 50001:2018
PDF (194 kB)
Certificate ISO 9001:2008
PDF (118 kB)
EU Declaration of Conformity KaCool W fan coils (FCU)
PDF (173 kB)
Cross-product information
PDF (17.9 MB)
Fan Coil brochure
PDF (9.6 MB)
KaCool W Fan Coils (FCU)
PDF (4.2 MB)
KaCool W, brief guide
PDF (1.1 MB)
Fan Coil KaCool W, Baugroesse 1 - 4, PDF
PDF (382 kB)
Fan Coil KaCool W, Bohrschablone BG 1 - 2, PDF
PDF (217 kB)
Fan Coil KaCool W, Bohrschablone BG 3 - 4, PDF
PDF (221 kB)
Fan Coil KaCool W, Baugroesse 1 - 4, DWG
DWG (551 kB)
Fan Coil KaCool W, Bohrschablone BG 1 - 2, DWG
DWG (348 kB)
Fan Coil KaCool W, Bohrschablone BG 3 - 4, DWG
DWG (350 kB)
Technical catalogues
KaCool W
PDF (5 MB)
BIM data (Building Information Modeling)
Kampmann Group BIM data